Thursday, November 5, 2015

My Bloody Life pt 3

Rey’s life has only been getting worst as the days past. Although he was hanging with the Spanish Lords, he was never officially in the gang. He had to be jumped into it or other dangerous activities he had to perform in. One day, he was out to eat with the lords when a gang called Chi-west started to approach them. Chi-west was an all-white gang that hated everything about Puerto Ricans. They always yelled out derogatory remarks when they see any Puerto Rican. But, as the lords came out to fight the gang, crazy one (member of the lords) gave his red and black sweater to Rey to hold so he could fight. As the fight disappeared from in front of the restaurant, Rey started to walk back to the clubhouse to let everyone know about everything. Before he could get there, he was jumped by two Chi-west members who took the sweater that was filled with the gang colors. Losing your gang colors could lead to death. Even though Rey wasn’t a lord, the gang was still going to make him get the sweater back otherwise death was going to come his way.

Rey is in a sticky situation. Just thinking about doing all this makes him nervous. The gang told Rey he wasn’t going to perform the act until it got warmer outside because that’s when Chi-West likes to hang outside. It was almost January and Rey was just counting down the days. He was a little relieved because he had help from his friend Papo who introduced him to the lords. To get his mind of this for a little, he was see his girlfriend and smoke a lot of weed. It wasn’t the way to not think of things but it worked for him.

Since I’m not finished reading, I predict many things that may happen. Maybe if Rey gets the sweater back, he could finally be officially apart of the Lords. However if he doesn’t get it back, the only thing he needs worry about is either moving out of Chicago or staying locked in his cousin’s house for the rest of his life because the Lords will be coming for him. Rey put himself in this predicament, now it’s up to him to find a better outcome. Just thinking about it, this is way too much pressure on a young teenager. I just hope things get better for Rey and he won’t have to worry about things as much as he does right now.

Do you think Rey will be successful on getting the sweater back?

1 comment:

  1. Getting jumped into a gang is so common? I hear about it from so many laces and yes it is very dangerous, even joining a gang is very dangerous even though they might provide protection, other people from other gangs are always against you. I would be nervous even getting involved with a gang because any move could be my last not even knowing. Ill probs have to read for myself and see how it ends because I am interested.
