Monday, November 30, 2015

The Kite Runner pt 2

As I continued to read Kite Runner, I've beganed to become more addicted. The authors keeps me wondering on what Hassan did to Amir to make him treat Hassan like this. Amir seems like he's sort of using him in certain ways. Just thinking about the two boys, they do have some similarites and differences. Personally I think one difference is how each are living. Reading showed me that Hassan is really Amir's servant, he and his father work for Amir and his dad. Hassan and his dad live in a hut outside the mansion. Another difference between the best friends is how healthy one another is. For example, Hassan isn't as healthy as Amir. Hassan has polio which is why he walks abnormally. Also, he was born with a cleft lip. Hassan childhood and health hasn't been at the best state. As for Amir, he's a good, growing boy. Now, these two boys do have a few similarities. Both had mothers that are no longer in their lives. Amir's mother died while she was giving birth to him. Even though she died, she gave birth to a very healthy baby. As for Hassan, his mother ran off with the rebels rught after he was born. This just makes me think about if the situations were different, would it change the two lifestyles. Amir and Hassan are close best friends and blood don't make them no closer. i just wonder what will happen if Amir keeps treating him wrong.

Monday, November 23, 2015

The Kite Runner

Book: The Kite Runner
By: Khaled Hosseini

Growing up in Afghanistan, Amir tells stories about his past. Twenty six years ago, an event that happened in 1975 keeps coming back to his memory. This event eventually made him into the man he is today. Amir's lived in a wealthy household, with a businessmen as a father, and a servant by the name of Hassan who he bacame best friends with. The two had a good friendship. Always spent time with one another and just bonded well. Amir would sometimes get jealous though because his father Baba would show Hassan more affection than he did. As Amir keeps trying to get his dad to love him more, he starts to feel guilty for his mother's death... wondering what can he change.

This book took me a minute to get interested into, but after I continued to read, I begun to get addicted and not be able to put the book down. As I read, I have many predictions. I predict that Amir might try to hurt Hassan because he's getting cared about more. If this happens, this could ruin not only their friendship, but also it will bring plenty of chaos to the household.
As I continue to read, I hope to find out more on what a kite runner is. Also, hopefully my questionsa are answered.

Why do you think Amir moved to San Francisco which is so far from Afghanistan?
How would you feel if your dad cared about your best friend more than you?

Thursday, November 5, 2015

My Bloody Life pt 3

Rey’s life has only been getting worst as the days past. Although he was hanging with the Spanish Lords, he was never officially in the gang. He had to be jumped into it or other dangerous activities he had to perform in. One day, he was out to eat with the lords when a gang called Chi-west started to approach them. Chi-west was an all-white gang that hated everything about Puerto Ricans. They always yelled out derogatory remarks when they see any Puerto Rican. But, as the lords came out to fight the gang, crazy one (member of the lords) gave his red and black sweater to Rey to hold so he could fight. As the fight disappeared from in front of the restaurant, Rey started to walk back to the clubhouse to let everyone know about everything. Before he could get there, he was jumped by two Chi-west members who took the sweater that was filled with the gang colors. Losing your gang colors could lead to death. Even though Rey wasn’t a lord, the gang was still going to make him get the sweater back otherwise death was going to come his way.

Rey is in a sticky situation. Just thinking about doing all this makes him nervous. The gang told Rey he wasn’t going to perform the act until it got warmer outside because that’s when Chi-West likes to hang outside. It was almost January and Rey was just counting down the days. He was a little relieved because he had help from his friend Papo who introduced him to the lords. To get his mind of this for a little, he was see his girlfriend and smoke a lot of weed. It wasn’t the way to not think of things but it worked for him.

Since I’m not finished reading, I predict many things that may happen. Maybe if Rey gets the sweater back, he could finally be officially apart of the Lords. However if he doesn’t get it back, the only thing he needs worry about is either moving out of Chicago or staying locked in his cousin’s house for the rest of his life because the Lords will be coming for him. Rey put himself in this predicament, now it’s up to him to find a better outcome. Just thinking about it, this is way too much pressure on a young teenager. I just hope things get better for Rey and he won’t have to worry about things as much as he does right now.

Do you think Rey will be successful on getting the sweater back?

Wednesday, November 4, 2015

MyBloody Life continued

Further into story

As I continued to read, Rey’s life seemed to get more dangerous after each chapter. Since he started living in the gang clubhouse, he was technically considered a gang member. He soon begun to experience the more violent and reckless side of the Spanish Lords. Rey experienced the life of selling drugs, having sexual inter courses with females, and even gang wars that involved multiple people being murdered. He wasn’t used to this life, but he soon will have to adapt to it otherwise his future won’t turn out so well.

From a typical person’s perspective, Rey’s life is starting to seem too chaotic for a young teenager. He shouldn’t be going through all this. Kicked out of the house. Was forced to find a way to live on his own. He even dropped out of school because there was no point in learning from the books. The streets had begun to teach him. When I think about it, only certain groups of people would like this type of book. This book is filled the violence and other real things that happen in a typical gang member life. From my point of view, I like this book because I’m just interested in gangs and why people are involved in them. I also like how real people are able to tell all of the crazy things they’ve been through. This books just makes me wonder how would be to do all of this if I was in Rey’s shoes.
Does Rey have any regrets on living on his own?
What is the best thing he can get out of being in a gang?
Would you be able to survive on your own at a young age?