Friday, October 23, 2015

My Bloody Life by: Reymundo Sanchez

Book: My Bloody Life
Author: Reymundo Sanchez

A young boy by the name of Rey was born in the back of a Chevy in Puerto Rico. His mother was a young girl when she married his father. She was sixteen and he was seventy four. Not knowing much about his father, Rey had to fight his way through the cold cruel world when he moved to Chicago. There, his life took a wild turn after living with his abusive disowning mother and crazy step father. almost every other day, He was getting beat for almost anything. Rey used to be a good student. He brought home good grades and everything, but that didn't seem to satisfy his parents. After awhile, he couldn't take it anymore. So, he made up his mind to live on his own at the age of 14. His childhood friend who was in the local gang called the Spanish Lords let him live in the gang's clubhouse. Living there taught Rey how to protect himself and become a man. Just reading makes me wonder what will happen next? How will Rey be able to survive in the windy city of Chiraq? What made his mother to randomly stop caring about her birth son? Each chapter just leaves me with more and more questions..

Reading this book makes my imagination run wild. What would happen if I was in this story? I wonder how I would react. If my parents came home and beat me because they had a bad day, I
would probably have to run away too. Rey said "Before I could react, I felt a sharp pain across my back and then again, and again and again." (pg19). His step father was beating him with a electrical cord. I think parents should never take their anger out on their child. But, I would have to go to my best friend's house. At that point, I wouldn't think about ever returning back. If I was Rey's Friend, I'd live in t he gang with him. There, we both can see the true meaning of the street life and sometimes it's better than living at home. He would have my back just as much as I would have his. Rey and I would be brothers until death separates us.

This book makes me value the type of life I have. I have a full family with my father and mother in my life. I couldn't ask for more. People nowadays don't value the things that truly mean the most to them. But, once it disappears, they'll start to realize what they been missing out on. I'm very curious of what will happen next and I will continue to find out. I know this story will have my attention until the very end.


  1. WOW! That sounds so awful and super scary. It makes me think of how I take advantage of my own life, just like you stated that you did. I am off the college soon and I don't know what I'm going to do or how I'm going to handle my life without my family and friends.. but this boy lived on his own at 14. Now I sound ridiculous. This was a good read, it seems and though I don't plan on reading it, I loved the post and the depth being brought by this post.

  2. The story seems to be very explicit and upsetting. It seems like it makes me want the best for the character but things seem to get worse. Living on your own at 14 sounds very tough and i couldn't imagine to have to live under those circumstances. i can't wait to see the development of Rey as he gets older.

  3. This story sounds so crazy and scary to think about. I could not imagine living a life like this. Things like getting beat and not being able to satisfy your parents ever is heartbreaking. I understand that what he was going through was horrible, but I believe he went about it the wrong way. Joining a gang could get really bad.

  4. This book seems very interesting and I feel like i would really enjoy this book. I like how the boy Rey went on his own and became a man. I like how Rey got sick of the disrespect from his parents and went his own way. I feel like Rey is smart and did what he had to do to survive.

  5. Hey Don, can i borrow your book when your finished I really want to read it, it sounds really interesting. it also sounds like something i can relate to because of past experience with family and friends.

    1. Sure Norm. I recommend this book to many. It's a nonfiction book that also teaches lives lessons and the truth on some gangs. Once you start reading this book, you''l get hooked and won't be able to put it down.

  6. I like the theme in your story of hate and overcoming. As the main character Rey moved from his mother country into the United states with an uncaring family, Rey must decide whats truly right for him. Making the decision to move out at the age of 14 is VERY bold, because were will he go but be involved in the streets? This story reminds me of a bunch of other books and movies I've watched or read in the past. I also like the fact that he took the initiative to do what was best for him without anyone's opinions. I cant wait to see how the story ends!

  7. I like the theme in your story of hate and overcoming. As the main character Rey moved from his mother country into the United states with an uncaring family, Rey must decide whats truly right for him. Making the decision to move out at the age of 14 is VERY bold, because were will he go but be involved in the streets? This story reminds me of a bunch of other books and movies I've watched or read in the past. I also like the fact that he took the initiative to do what was best for him without anyone's opinions. I cant wait to see how the story ends!

  8. This definitely sounds like a book I wouldn't be able to put down. I love a good plot where it grabs my attention and I don't have to make excuses on why I'm not reading. I've never experienced anything like this personally, but I have close friends that have struggled with abuse either emotionally and or physically and I could never imagine putting myself in their shoes. I can't wait to hear about what happens next!

  9. This sounds terrible! If that was me I wouldn't know what to do. He is brave for making the decision of living on his own. It must of been a sad story to read. I wonder how he did with the gang? Did it cause him problems in the end?

  10. This sounds terrible! If that was me I wouldn't know what to do. He is brave for making the decision of living on his own. It must of been a sad story to read. I wonder how he did with the gang? Did it cause him problems in the end?

  11. Wow this is sad to think a kid does the best he can for his parents, and to get beat at such a young age. The worst part about stuff like this is that it happens all the time to real people. I wouldn't know what to do in his situation. Should I stay or should I leave? And i agree this makes me appreciate the life I have now, and pray for those who goes through similar situations like him.
